Unlimited, All-Inclusive, Everyone Qualifies ROTH IRA, plus a bag of chips
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” a frustrated Juliet Capulet opined. Woe was she, desperately yearning for that ROTH IRA. Government restrictions via income caps, contribution limits, asset location relegated her to a small annual backdoor deposit.
Triathlon Partners LLC empathizes with Ms. Capulet. We know the priority of every 16th century young lady is planning for a robust retirement with efficient and equity-like growth and tax-exempt cash flow.
A Roth IRA is an account that is funded with after tax dollars, which grows and is withdrawn tax-free (after the age of 59 ½). There are no required minimum distributions, it is subject to a step-up basis (a good thing) at death (not so good). Many consider it to be the undisputed champion of retirement products, the Queen of the Castle!
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it just may be a duck.
Roses, Ducks and Chips!! What is Ira at Triathlon Partners musing?
There is a product that is better looking than a ROTH IRA, walks faster than a ROTH IRA and quacks more mellifluously than a ROTH IRA. It smells sweeter than a ROTH IRA. In the Battle Royale of Retirement Vehicles, it is the MASTER of THE DOMAIN!
The Investment: Universal Life
- No limit on after tax dollar contributions, no IRS contribution cap.
- No exclusion for high earners, no IRS income restrictions.
- Tax-exempt withdraws, no IRS mandated distributions.
- Tax-deferred growth.
- Plus, a bag of chips……. Upon death, the benefit paid is income-tax free, and it is greater than the net account balance.
Universal Life: No contribution limit, Tax-exempt withdrawals, Tax deferred growth, Death Benefit
It’s not what the product is called, it’s what the product does. Triathlon Partners has access to over 25 life insurance carriers, and sorting through the fine print on hundreds of policies, we know the ones that smell like roses and not a duck’s back door.
Like you, Triathlon Partners values our independence. We aren’t beholden to corporate headquarter mandates, drinking the punch served with a limited product offering served by a slick salesperson. Triathlon Partners offers solutions, through engagement, education and empowerment.
Contact Triathlon Partners to start a discussion about concepts and results today. Or call us in a year with regret that you are a year behind where you should be.