TriathlonPartnersTV: Structured Note Issue for September 2024: Diversification, Participation & Buffer

Triathlon Partners Analysis

A structured notes are a lesser-known asset class for many advisors, but they hold significant value. In a recent episode of TriathlonPartnersTV, Ira delves into why they should be a part of your portfolio. He highlights a specific note set to be issued at the end of the month and elaborates on the rationale behind incorporating it into your investment mix. It offers diversification, substantial participation in appreciating markets and a buffer to protect in declining markets.

In the realm of diversification of portfolios, international equities play a crucial role. This structured note offers a unique proposition. It mirrors the return of select international equity indexes. It has a participation ratio of 2.22 after five years on the least performing index if it has a positive return. A buffer offers protection if the indexes fall, if the negative performance of the worst index of less than 35%, 100% of the principal is reimbursed. However, if the worst performing index ends the five years greater than a 35% loss, the loss mirrors owning the index outright.

This particular structured note offers, investment & product diversification, participation enhancement at a 2.22 multiplier and a buffer returning 100% of the principal if the index is down less than 35%. At Triathlon Partners, our mission is to engage, educate, and empower our clients, facilitating informed decisions aligned with their goals. We trust you found this episode enriching, enhancing your financial literacy. Click on the video link below to watch our YOUTUBE channel, @TriathlonPartnersTV to watch TriathlonTV: Structured Notes Sept2024: Diversify, Participation & Buffer. If you appreciated it, consider showing your support by offering some S.T.U.F.F. – Subscribers, Thumbs Up, Followers, and Friends.

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Additional Resources
TriathlonPartnersTV:Structured Notes introduced and explained
July 2024 Structured Notes: Don't be concerned about buying stocks at the high, they have you protected
Triathlon University: Structured Notes 201

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